The cost of rehab in most of the Country has gotten out of control. This is a result of many challenges, insurance, staffing, regulations, taxes, property tax, rent and leasing expenses, gas and other necessary expenses. In the state of Florida particularly the South Florida model of care quality service does not necessitate a family breaks the bank to assist a loved one.
The South Florida model utilizes a separate residence from the treatment facility or therapy center to address the growing challenge of out of control rehab costs. The model is a strengths based model that allows the participant to grow in a controlled environment without being institutionalized.
After detoxification phase one begins with Day-Night treatment a 30 to 90 day time frame, followed by Intensive Outpatient Treatment for 60 to 90 days and capped off with a 60 to 90 day Outpatient cycle. This model allows for extremely lower expense structure, flexibility, freedom to grow in a progressively less controlled environment and the ability to model and monitor success for each participant.