Beachway Therapy Center-Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Florida

Recovery Quotes

Here are some great recovery quotes! -A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change. -All you have to do is know where you’re going. The answers will come to you…

Successfully Treating Addiction In Ohio

When you are addicted to drugs and alcohol it can seem as if there is temptation around every corner. Your right there is. In our society we play alcohol up to be a wonderful substance by advertising it nearly everywhere. We also portray drugs such as marijuana to be harmless by making movies with a…

Prescription Drug Abuse in Virginia

Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem throughout the Nation, leaving the state of Virginia as no exception. Thousands of people throughout the state have found themselves struggling with an addiction to prescription drugs, feeling as if there is no way out. Whether their addiction began after being prescribed the medication or taking the medication…