Are Drug and Alcohol Rehab Costs Covered by Cigna Insurance?
Cigna Insurance covers drug and alcohol addiction treatment at a number of treatment centers that provide behavioral health rehabilitation for full recovery from addiction. Cigna provides this coverage to its members through its in network and out of network benefits and it does so under its behavioral health coverage plan.
If using a contracted Cigna behavioral health provider, an outpatient office visit requires no pre-authorization. Other levels of care may require pre-authorization and referral and Cigna will ensure that claims are correctly managed. Using an in network provider means a patient will have no paperwork to complete and the service will be provided at a much lower rate of charge.
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The Umbrella Behavioral Health Services
Under the umbrella of behavioral health services, drug and alcohol addiction and a number of different mental health conditions are covered by Cigna. The management staff of the health service first determines the treatment needs of the patient, and then the recommended treatment and the clinical practice guidelines are compared to verify that benefits are available.
Treatment centers available for Cigna members seeking rehab from drug or alcohol addiction are located nationwide in states with Cigna coverage and include, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, NC, SC, TX and TN. Behavioral programs at these locations take place in a hospital or clinic and offered services include detoxification, residential and inpatient services, partial hospitalization, emergency assessments, intensive outpatient programs, and other care. In situations where emergency care is needed, a Cigna member can go to the emergency room of their nearest behavioral health facility for treatment.
Cigna plan benefits for behavioral health will cover the evaluation and stabilization treatment offered for conditions relating to a behavioral health condition.
The cost of treatment at these centers range from no out of pocket charges to very affordable rates especially when you consider the daily cost of not treating the drug or alcohol addiction. However, for teenagers, detox treatment, the needed inpatient treatment and the continuing psychiatric follow up care, can make recovery quite expensive.
Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction for teenagers is compounded by the fact that teenagers often suffer with other mental issues such as anxiety, depression, and avoidant personality disorder. The teenagers’ experience of drug and alcohol addiction, together with their constantly changing hormone levels, makes it challenging for them to avoid self-mediating with alcohol and drugs.
Important Information Regarding Teenage Treatment
For drug and alcohol treatment of teenagers, the most effective course to take involves attendance at a boarding school facility that allow then to continue their schooling and also attend daily addiction therapy meetings. Consulting Cigna insurance and the state’s relevant laws will determine coverage for long-term drug rehab programs. In some cases, the Cigna provider may not cover addiction rehab for long-term therapies, but they may provide coverage for mental disorder rehab if it can be shown that the teenager’s mental illness was aggravated by drug or alcohol addiction. The rehab boarding school costs may not be covered for the teenager but he will still be covered for a limited amount of inpatient therapy.
A Cigna member can select a health plan to suit his individual needs. The plans include FSA, POS, PPO, open access and HMO. These provide good options for Cigna members and although the drug and alcohol rehabilitation services offered vary from plan to plan, a member can select the plan he considers worthwhile paying for.
Have Any Questions?
If there are any question regarding Cigna coverage and drug/alcohol rehabilitation, contact the insurance company to get accurate and timely information. Their team of customer care representative will be glad to discuss the policy to help make the decisions easier.
Keep in mind that entering a facility within the Cigna network will be far less costly than one that is out-of-network.
In order for someone addicted to alcohol or drugs to overcome, there must be the proper support system in place. Rehabilitation centers along with Cigna gives each person a fighting chance at survival.
Learn about Core Source rehab insurance coverage.